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Público·22 membros

Internet Download Manager (IDM) v6.33 Build 2 Final + Retail + Repack ...

If youre looking for a free download manager, this is probably not the right one for you. The major feature youll want in a download manager is the ability to resume downloads, and though IDM can certainly do this, it doesnt perform as well as some of the competitors. For starters, theres only one program that can set a resume point in this case, and thats for both Firefox and Chrome. IDM can only resume a download on one browser, and thats Firefox. Theres no other way to stop your download if it doesnt pick up at the right place, though. After downloading your file, its easy to restart the download, but thats not the case for every download manager. IDM also doesnt offer any helpful features with resuming downloads, such as being able to control the speed of the download and the ability to change download locations. IDM also has a huge problem with files that are a series of downloads. You can only resume a single file at a time, which isnt much of a benefit when youre trying to download something that has a lot of different files. The program also comes with a large amount of known file types, which isnt beneficial in case you want to download a file that Idont have installed on the computer. IDM can also set a list of program shortcuts, but theres no easy way to make that a little less restrictive. The default is to only allow shortcuts that have been installed on your computer, and can only be changed manually. Theres no way to automatically add shortcuts, which isnt a great benefit.

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.33 Build 2 Retail Patch | 15.5 MB

Download Manager Plus 6.0 Build 2 Retail Patch works in the background, and it will save you time. You can download large files from the Internet, resume interrupted downloads and the software will notify you as soon as the download is completed. It also offers a built-in scheduler to allow you to plan your download, so that you can obtain your files faster.


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